Ensure safe transfer of your portfolio to your family if something happens to you (Dead Man's Switch)

In Kubera, you can nominate someone as your Beneficiary. E.g. your spouse.

Kubera has an automated 'Life Beat Check' workflow. If you are inactive for a certain number of days (45 days by default) you will get our 'Life Beat Check' notifications on your email with a button to say 'I'm Okay' and reset the timer.

If you don't respond to any of the 5 notifications you receive over a period of 10 days, an email with all your data and documents in Kubera will be sent to your listed Beneficiary downloadable as Excel & ZIP file. The download link will be valid for 3 months.

Your Beneficiary will get multiple notifications till they download the information. It'll stop after 5 notifications over a period of 10 days.

A fall back contact (Trusted Angel) - a friend who you trust to help out in difficult times - can also be optionally nominated to receive this mail, in case the Beneficiary fails to respond even after multiple notifications via email and text.

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