What does the Kubera Black plan offer?

Kubera Black is our premium plan offering the fully loaded product experience tailored for High Net Worth Individuals (HNIs), companies, and single-family offices. It offers powerful features on top of the Kubera Personal plan such as:

  • Nested Portfolios: Map multiple entities and their ownership structures.
  • Unified Reporting: Generate comprehensive reports across multiple portfolios.
  • Granular access control for your portfolios: Manage access to your portfolios for enhanced collaboration and privacy.
  • Early access to exciting new features: It's your chance to be the first to experience what's next!

Nested Portfolios enable you to create separate portfolios for your entities and link them to your primary portfolio for aggregated views. Additionally, you can share specific portfolios with others, allowing for more granular access control and privacy.

Nested Portfolios & Unified Reporting

Create multiple portfolios to organize assets based on entity and ownership, and track their own individual net worth. Link these individual portfolios allowing for a unified view of their overall net worth and comprehensive reports.

Nested portfolios are particularly useful in various scenarios, such as:

  1. For a holding company and its subsidiaries, maintain separate portfolios for each subsidiary to monitor their individual net worths. These can be linked to the parent holding company's portfolio to view a consolidated net worth.

  2. In the case of trusts, keep individual portfolios for each trust, which can be connected to a primary portfolio to aggregate their net worths.

  3. For businesses with shared ownership, manage a separate portfolio that reflects the business's assets share with your business partner. Link it to your personal portfolio, adjusting for your percentage of ownership to accurately represent your share of the net worth.

  4. For managed portfolios, where a portion of assets is controlled by another party, maintain a separate portfolio for these assets to be managed by them. Link it to your main portfolio for a comprehensive financial overview.
  5. For family net worth - create a master portfolio that has individual portfolios all the family members linked.

How to use Nested Portfolios

Granular access control for your portfolios

Collaborate effortlessly with your family, assistant, advisor, clients, accountant, or anyone you trust by sharing your portfolios. With granular access control, you have the power to decide the level of access: grant full control of your account to operate on your behalf, or limit the access to specific portfolios. You are always in control.

Kubera Black costs $999/year.

Here is a quick video of our co-founder, Umesh, demonstrating the Kubera Black features.

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