My brokerage account balance in Kubera is not correct


Report to with as much details as possible. Screenshots help.

  1. Your brokerage account balance is the total of the holdings. So please go through the holdings and see if you can spot the issue.
  2. The holding values in your brokerage app wont match exactly with what you see in Kubera as the stock price update frequency of the brokerage and Kubera wont match. If you see a big mismatch is when there is an issue.
  3. Please see if all the holdings are mapped to the right ticker and the quantity is correct. They are shown as grey text below the value. If they are correct then you should leave it as it is.
  4. What about the cash balance? Are they showing correct or do you see a big mismatch?
  5. If you did a recent trade, it will take 24 to 48 hours for things to update in Kubera.

Long answer

Your brokerage account balances wont match exactly with what you see in Kubera as the stock price update frequency of the brokerage and Kubera wont match. If you see a big mismatch is when there is some issue.

The brokerage account balance is the total of your holdings. So if you see an issue in the account balance, you need to go through the holdings and spot the error.

Click on the 4-line icon on the right side of the brokerage account row to see the holdings.

First look for the cash balance in this account among the holdings. Is it showing the correct balance? Sometimes they are duplicated. Sometimes they are not shown at all. Look for these issues and report to

Also when you make a trade in the brokerage account, the stock quantities update quicker in Kubera but the cash balance will take around 3 days to settle. So during this time the cash balance wont match. If that's the case, you need to wait for 3 days for it to update and show the correct numbers.

If the cash balance looks correct, then look at the other holdings.

The holdings will have the stock ticker symbol and quantity shown below the $ value. They should exactly match with what you see in the brokerage account. If they are wrong, please report to with the holding name and its correct ticker and quantity.

If the ticker and quantity are matching with the brokerage account, then the data is correct. The $ value will not exactly match with what you see in brokerage as there will be slight price differences in Kubera and brokerage for these tickers at any given point of time. But if you are seeing a huge difference in $value, there is an issue. You need to look for big differences in value, wrong stock ticker, wrong quantity, missing holdings, duplicates or sometimes even extra holdings showing up. Then report to with the details.

This will help us narrow down the issue and troubleshoot. Basically we wont be able to judge the accuracy of the holdings data in your brokerage. Only you can do it as you have access to the original brokerage account to compare the holding values.

If you just report saying your account balance is wrong, it's not going to help. You need to specifically tell us which institution, which account and which holding is causing the error and the potential reason (wrong ticker, qty, wrong cash balance, duplicates, or missing holdings). This will reduce a lot of back and forth and make things faster.

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