Why don't my Bank and Brokerage connections connect? Why do some of them keep dropping after connecting.

Please don't expect 100% connectivity. It's technically impossible.

In terms of tech, we partner with the industry best aggregators (Mastercard, Plaid, Yodlee, MX, Salt Edge etc.). We continually add newer aggregators as well to expand our connectivity and coverage. But it is still possible that some of the connections don't work as expected.

Most financial institutions still run on legacy technology. There is a good chance that your accounts won’t connect at the first attempt. If this happens, please follow the on-screen instructions to retry using different methods.

Some institutions will never connect and you will have to track them manually. 

Even if they connect, some of them may become unstable. They show wrong data. When reported we'll relentlessly follow up with the aggregators but we have no control over when the issues get resolved. If we know that there is a alternate connection that may fix the issue, we suggest you move there so that you don't have to wait.

Sometimes they don’t even get resolved. In that case it’s better to track them manually. 

The point is that you will always have some issues with connected accounts. You will always have a mix of connections/rows that auto update correctly and rows that should be managed manually. Sometimes things work when you reconnect using another aggregator. Sometimes it's so much easier to track them manually instead of always trying to deal with connection errors and get frustrated. You will end up focusing on the errors and not appreciate the ones that actually work.

If you have bad connections follow the on-screen instructions and/or let us know at hello@kubera.com and we’ll suggest the next steps.

We are dedicated to providing the best service possible, but connections break all the time. It’s not in our control. If 100% connectivity is crucial for you, it might be wise to consider this before subscribing. If you are subscribed and not happy with this situation or feel “stuck”, we are happy to cancel the subscription and issue a full refund.

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