How often are my bank and brokerage accounts updated in Kubera?
Short answer
For all practical purposes, your bank and investment accounts are updated end of the day.
Brokerage account balances update frequently if the holdings are correctly mapped to the stock tickers.
When you make a trade, for Kubera to get the new changes (new holdings or changes to qty for existing holdings and updated cash balances) it will take 2-3 days to fully settle. Stock balances are synced quicker. Cash balances can take more than 2 days to settle.
If you see something wrong, just let us know.
Long answer
For all practical purposes, banks and other investment account show the end-of-day balances.
Brokerage accounts balances update regularly if the holdings are correctly mapped to the stock tickers.
When you make a trade, for Kubera to get the new changes (new holdings or changes to qty for existing holdings and updated cash balances) it will take 2-3 days to fully settle. Stock balances are synced quicker. Cash balances can take more than 2 days to settle.
If the holdings are not mapped to stock tickers, the account balances are updated only in 24-48 hours. But if you think your accounts are not synced even after 48 hours, please hit 3dots > Sync Account.
If it's still not updating, let us know at and we'll troubleshoot.
Note: Connections secured by 2FA won't Auto Sync. You have to click on 'Sync Account' for it to check for new updates. Know more